Early in 2017 Janina, from Germany, chose KJRC as a project for fundraising. She came to KJRC for three weeks and her friend Verena came for the last week to assist her. Janina chose to do a book project with the children. She asked them to think of a Bible story that they would like to write and illustrate. They chose the story of Jonah. The children wrote the story in their own words, painted and drew pictures to illustrate it, created ‘Jonah’ crafts and composed a song. All of these elements are in the book.
Janina has been very busy in the last eighteen months. Whilst she was here her boyfriend surprised her by arriving in Thailand when she thought he was in the USA. He proposed and since then they have married and have a little boy called Eliam.
She fundraised to make this book a possibility and we now have 1000 books to sell. We are so happy to now have the finished product. The book is available for $24:95 + postage and handling of $9:95. This can be paid through the WRA website https://wra.org.au/1809rescuecentre or through PayPal [email protected]. The book has a hardcover, 72 colour pages, and the text is written in German, English and Thai.